Bibliography of References Related to Radioisotope-Powered
(Nuclear) Pacemakers
In the early 1970’s radioisotope-powered pacemakers were
developed with the intent of providing a long-lived power source that
eliminate the need for replacement during the life of the patient.
Below is a
list of papers that deal with the design and performance of these
devices. I
have copies of some of these papers, but in some cases I am merely
relying on a
reference from a database or from another paper. Please feel free to
contact me
if you
have comments or questions.
In case you would like to be able to sort or otherwise manipulate this
data, you can download a spreadsheet
containing the same data.
Jake Blanchard
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Alais M, Berger R, Boucher R, Gasper KA, and Laurens P
Plutonium-238-Fueled Cardiac Pacemaker.
Nuclear Technology, V 26, N 3, Jul, 1975, P 307-319
Altieri FD and Kudrick JA
Implantable Electrical Power Source for an Artificial Heart
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 13 (2): 505,
Baker PS
Radioisotope Powered Heart Assist Devices
Isotopes & Radiation Technology, 7 (2), 1969, 137
Barnett A, Kleitman DJ, Rosenbaum D, and Singer B
Statistical Procedure for Testing Nuclear Powered Cardiac
Technometrics, V 20, N 3, Aug, 1978, P 221-226
Bilitch M, Parsonnet V, and Furman S
Clinical Assessment of Pacemaker Power Sources; Proceedings
- the Electrochemical Society, V 80-4, 1980, P 18-26
Bodenschatz CA, Blair MG, Maurer GW, and
Hursen TF
Safety Aspects of Fuel Capsules for Medical Purposes
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 14 (2)7 507,
Bolwell AJ
Radioisotope Powers Cardiac Pacemaker
Design News 25 (11): 54& 1970
Buck KE, Forrest DL, and Tamai HW
A Radioisotope Powered Stirling
Engine for Circulatory Support
Isotopes & Radiation Technology, 7 (2), 1969, 161
Bustard TS and Princiotta FT
Design of Radioisotope Heat Source Subsystems for Heart
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 13 (2), 1970,
Bustard TS
A Nuclear Battery for the Cardiac
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 14 (2), 506,
Carleson G and Kugelberg J
[Nuclear Pacemakers]
Lakartidningen. 1972 Jul 19;69(30):3497-500. Swedish.
Chari PS and Suri RK
Skin Cover for Exposed Cardiac-Pacemakers
British Journal of Plastic Surgery 30 (3): 231-234 1977
Chauvel C,
Lavergne T, Cohen A, et al.
Radioisotopic Pacemaker - Long-Term Clinical-Results
Pace-Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology 18 (2): 286-292
Feb 1995
Cole DW and Mott WE
Design of Radioisotope Heat Sources for Human Implantation
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 13 (2), 1970,
Cross FT and Sheppard JC
In-Phantom Dosimetry of 238pu Heat Sources
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 13 (2), 1970,
Cross FT and Sheppard JC
In-Phantom Dosimetry of 147Pm2O3 Heat Sources in Relation to
Circulatory Support Systems
Isotopes & Radiation Technology, 7 (2), 1969, 231
Cross FT
Dose Rates To A Bystander From an Artificial Heart Power
Health Phys. 1975 Aug;29(2):350-2.
Cunningham RE
Usaec Regulation of Nuclear-Powered Cardiac Pacemakers: A
Status Report
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 14 (2), 508,
Cunningham RE
Interpretation and Implementation of International Radiation
Protection Standards for Cardiac Pacemakers in the Usa
Advances in Pacemaker Technology, M. Shaldach and S. Furman
Ed. Springer-Verlag, 1975, 457.
Proceedings of Int. Symp. on Advances in Pacemaker
Technology, Erlangen,
De Pater J
[Nuclear Pacemakers in the Netherlands]
Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1984 Feb 25;128(8):364-5. Dutch.
Euler KJ
Electrochemical and Radioactive Power Sources for Cardiac
Advances in Pacemaker Technology, M. Shaldach and S. Furman
Ed. Springer-Verlag, 1975, 329.
Proceedings of Int. Symp. on Advances in Pacemaker
Technology, Erlangen,
Fleming DL, Brewer Co, Coffey DL, and Blue PL
Plutonium-238-Powered Cardiac Pacemaker
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 11 (2), 1968.
Franco R and Smith ML
Benefits and Risks of Promethium Battery-Powered Pacemakers
Advances in Pacemaker Technology, M. Shaldach and S. Furman
Ed. Springer-Verlag, 1975, 539.
Proceedings of Int. Symp. on Advances in Pacemaker
Technology, Erlangen,
Fullam HT and Van Tuyl HH
Promethium Technology: A Review
Isotopes & Radiation Technology, 7 (2), 1969, 207
Furman S
Nuclear Pacemakers.
Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 1979 Mar;2(2):135-6.
Furness A
Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers and the Post-Operative
Requirements for Assessing Pacemaker Performance.
Soviet Journal of Low
Temperature Physics (English Translation of Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur),
1975, P
Gasper KA, Fester KE
Cardiac Pacemaker Power Sources.
Welding Research Council Bulletin, 1975, 759179, P 1205-1213
Gerrard M.
British Radioisotope-Powered Cardiac Pacemaker
Isotopes & Radiation Technology, 7 (2), 1969, 194
Gerrard M
Developments Abroad on Radioisotope Powered Cardiac Pacemakers
Isotopes & Radiation Technology, 8 (3), 1971, 360
Glenn WWL
Cardiac Pacemaking in Infants and Children
Annals of Thoracic Surgery 22 (6): 605-606 1976
Greatbatch W and Bustard TS
A Pu238O2 Nuclear Power Source for Implantable Cardiac
Pacemakers. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng.
1973 Sep;20(5):332-6.
Greatbatch, W
Evolution of Power Sources for Biomedical Implantable
Proceedings - the Electrochemical Society, V 80-4, 1980, P
Greatbatch, W
Physiological Stimulators and Their Power Sources.
Medical Progress Through Technology, V 7, N 2-3, 1980, P
Greatbatch, W
Implantable Power-Sources: A Review.
Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, V 8, N 2,
Mar-Apr, 1984, P 56-63
Greatbatch, W
Pacemaker Power Sources.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, V 3, N 2, Jun,
1984, P 15-19
Greenbor.J, Lewis M, Matheson WE, Smith TH, and Warner EE
Betacel Nuclear Battery
Development and Qualification
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 16 (Jun): 55-56
Greenbor.J, Smith TH, and Matheson WE
Risk/Benefit Analysis of Betacel Nuclear-Powered Pacemaker
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 17 (Nov):
100-101 1973
Hixson JD
Comparison of Radioisotope- Fueled Energy Sources for A
Prosthetic Device
Isotop Radiat
Technol, V 9, N 2, 1971, P 215-
Huffman WM, Rutherford GN,
and Coffey DL
Preparation and Neutron Counting of 238puo2 Depleted in 18o
Nuclear Applications, V 3, N 6, June, 1967, P 366-371
Huffman FN, Harvey RJ, and Kitrilakis SS
Design of an Implantable, Rankine Cycle Radioisotope Power
Isotopes & Radiation Technology, 7 (2), 1969, 171
Huffman FN, Sandberg GW, Norman JC
Studies on Dogs with Implanted Pu-238 Sources
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 13 (2): 499,
Huffman FN, Norman JC, Molokhia FA
Thermal and Radiation Effects of Pu-238 Fuel Capsules on Dogs
and Primates
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 14 (2), 510,
Huffman FN,
Migliore JJ, Robinson WJ, et al.
Radioisotope Powered Cardiac-Pacemakers
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science Ns21 (1): 707-713 1974
Huffman FN and Norman JC
Nuclear-Fueled Cardiac Pacemakers.
Chest. 1974 Jun;65(6):667-72. Review.
Hursen TF, Maurer GW, Kolenik SA
Radioisotope-Powered Cardiac Pacemaker Development Program
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 14 (2), 505,
Huffman FN, Bornhorst WJ, and Harmison L
A Radioisotope-Fueled Vapor Cycle Power Supply for an Artificial
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 13 (2): 499,
Jacobson PM
Radiation From Implantable Nuclear Pacemakers. I. Dosimetry.
Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 1979 Mar;2(2):215-24.
Jeffrey K and Parsonnet V
Cardiac Pacing, 1960-1985 - A Quarter Century of Medical and
Industrial Innovation
Circulation 97 (19): 1978-1991 May 19 1998
Kahn AR, Hixson JD, Puffer JE, and Bakken EE
Three-Years' Clinical Experience with Radioisotope Powered
Cardiac Pacemakers.
Ieee Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, V Bme-20, N 5,
Sep, 1973, P 326-331
Kallfelz FA, Comar CL, Casarett AP, and Craig PH
Radiobiological Effects of Simulated Nuclear Power Sources
for Artificial Hearts: A Preliminary Report
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 13 (2), 1970,
Kluge H and Zill H
[Neutron Measurements Near Cardiac Pacemakers with 238pu
Strahlenschutz Forsch Prax. 1976;15:199-206. German.
Knapp DE,
Bennett AB, Desteese JG, Gasper KA, Griffin
BI, Olsen LC, Saaski EW, and Seeman SE
Nuclear Electric Power Sources for Biomedical Applications
Proc of the 4th Intersociety Energy Conversion Eng Conf,
Sept 22-26 1969, Washington, Dc,
1969, P 101-6
Knapp DE
Thermionic and Betavoltaic Nuclear Power Sources for Pacemaking
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 13 (2), 507,
Lafferty RH Jr.
Radioisotope-Powered Cardiac Pacemaker
Isotopes & Radiation Technology, 7 (2), 1969, 192
Lance JR and Selz A
An Implantable Artificial Heart Power Source
Isotopes & Radiation Technology, 7 (2), 1969, 182
Laurens P
French Nuclear-Powered Pacemaker Program
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 13 (2), 508,
Laurens P
French Nuclear-Powered Pacemaker Program
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 14 (2), 508,
Laurens P
Nuclear-Powered Pacemakers: an Eight-Year Clinical
Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 1979 May;2(3):356-60.
Mahringer W
[Symposium on Safety Problems in Isotope-Operated Cardiac
Z Allgemeinmed. 1974 Nov 10;50(31):1420-2. German.
Martini WR, Riggle P, and Harmison LT
A Radioisotope-Fueled Stirling
Engine Artificial Heart Power System
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 13 (2): 504,
Martini WR, Johnston RP, Goranson RB, and White MA
Development of a Simplified Stirling
Engine to Power Circulatory Assist Devices
Isotopes & Radiation Technology, 7 (2), 1969, 145
Martinis AJ
Initial Us Experience with Promethium-147 Fueled Cardiac
Advances in Pacemaker Technology, M. Shaldach and S. Furman
Ed. Springer-Verlag, 1975, 531.
Proceedings of Int. Symp. on Advances in Pacemaker
Technology, Erlangen,
Martinis AJ, Matheson WE, and Schaldach JR
Current Status of the Betavoltaic Pacemaker System
Cardiac Pacing - Proceedings of Vth Int. Symp., Tokyo,
March 1976, Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam,
1977, 452.
Matheson WE
Industrial Use of Radioisotopes for Implantable Devices
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 14 (2), 511,
Matheson WE
The Betavoltaic Pacemaker Power Source
Advances in Pacemaker Technology, M. Shaldach and S. Furman
Ed. Springer-Verlag, 1975, 401.
Proceedings of Int. Symp. on Advances in Pacemaker
Technology, Erlangen,
Miller FJ
Factors Relating to the Application of Radioisotopes to
Circulatory Support Systems
Isotopes & Radiation Technology, 7 (2), 1969, 138
Morrow AG, Levitsky S, Frommer PL, Mcintosh CL, Parsonnett
V, Pierce JE, and Seipp HW
Experimental Evaluation of A Radioisotope-Powered Cardiac
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1970 Dec;60(6):836-41.
Mullins LJ and Leary JA
Purification, Encapsulation, and Characterization of 238pu
for Implantation Purposes
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 13 (2), 1970,
Mullins LJ and Leary JA
238Pu for Biomedical Applications
Isotopes & Radiation Technology, 7 (2), 1969, 197
Myatt J
Radioisotope-Fuelled 'Batteries' for Heart Pacemakers.
Biomed Eng.
1971 May;6(5):192-6.
Norman JC, Sandberg GW Jr, and Huffman FN.
Implantable Nuclear-Powered Cardiac Pacemakers.
N Engl J Med. 1970 Nov 26;283(22):1203-6. Review.
Ogawa, H
Batteries Kick Off New Markets Em Dash 1. Dry Batteries with
High Energy Density, Minimal Self - Discharge Promise Solid Demand From
Jee, Journal of Electronic Engineering, N 116, Aug, 1976, P
Olsen LC
Betavoltaic Energy Conversion.
Energy Conversion, V 13, N 4, Dec, 1973, P 117-127
Owens BB, Ed.
Batteries for Implantable Biomedical Devices.
Batteries for Implantable Biomed Devices, 1986, 358p
Parsonnet V
Power Sources for Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers
Chest. 1972 Feb;61(2):165-73.
Parsonnet, V
Innovations in Implantable Pacemakers.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Paper), 1973, P
Electrochem Biosci and Bioeng, Symp, Pap, May 13-18 1973, Chicago, Il,
Parsonnet V, Gilbert L, Zucker IR, Myers GH, and Katz P
Long-Life Pacemakers
Advances in Pacemaker Technology, M. Shaldach and S. Furman
Ed. Springer-Verlag, 1975, 319.
Proceedings of Int. Symp. on Advances in Pacemaker
Technology, Erlangen,
Parsonnet V, Myers GH, Gilbert L, Zucker IR, Shilling E, and
Manhardt M
Clinical Experience with Nuclear Pacemakers
Surgery 78 (6): 776-786 1975
Parsonnet V, Myers GH, Gilbert L, Zucker IR, Shilling E,
Manhardt M.
Two Years Experience with Nuclear Pacemakers.
J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino).
1976 Jan-Feb;17(1):99.
Parsonnet V
Cardiac Pacing and Pacemakers VII. Power Sources for
Implantable Pacemakers. Part I.
Am Heart J. 1977 Oct;94(4):517-28.
Parsonnet V
Cardiac Pacing and Pacemakers. VII. Power Sources for
Implantable Pacemakers. Part II.
Am Heart J. 1977 Nov;94(5):658-64.
Parsonnet V, Myers GH, Manhardt M.
An Appraisal of Radioisotope Fueled Pacemakers After 5
Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 1979 May;2(3):361-9.
Parsonnet V, Furman S, Smyth NP, and Bilitch M.
Optimal Resources for Implantable Cardiac Pacemakers.
Circulation. 1983 Jul;68(1):226a-244a.
Parsonnet V
A Decade of Nuclear Pacing
PACE, 7, 1984, 90-95
Parsonnet V, Berstein Ad, and Perry Gy
The Nuclear Pacemaker - Is Renewed Interest Warranted
American Journal of Cardiology 66 (10): 837-842 Oct 1 1990
Pennington WH, Hursen TF, Frommer
PL, and Morrow AG
Animal-Implanted Nuclear Powered Pacemakers
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 13 (2), 507,
Perez LJ and Coleman JR
Population Safety Considerations of an Implantable Isotopic
Power Source
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 13 (2), 506,
Piesch E, Burgkhardt B, and Kollmeier W
In-Vivo Measurement of the Neutron Dose Rate on Patients
with **2**3**8pu Pacemakers Implanted.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods, V 131, N 1, Dec 1, 1975, P
Piesch E
[Radiation Burden Resulting From Implanted Cardiac
Pacemakers with 238pu-Nuclide Batteries]
Strahlenschutz Forsch Prax. 1976;15:192-9. German.
Poggenburg JK
Study of 171Tm as Power Source for a Circulatory Support
Isotopes & Radiation Technology, 7 (2), 1969, 222
Poole MJ, Myatt J, Penn A, and
Brown MH
Miniature Nuclear Batteries-A Review of Work in the Uk
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 13 (2), 508,
Poole MJ, Myatt J, Penn A, and
Brown MH
Miniature Nuclear Batteries-A Review of Work in the Uk
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 14 (2), 508,
Postula FD and Warner EE
Safety Verification of A Miniature Nuclear Battery
for Cardiac Pacemakers.
Aiaa, 1973, P 449-453
Princiotta FT and Bustard TS
Results of Bench Model Testing of Radioisotope Heat Source
Subsystems for Heart Devices
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 13 (2), 501,
Purdy DL
Design of Isotopically Powered Thermoelectric Generators
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 11 (2), 1968
Purdy DL, Bodenschatz CA, and Garber HJ
Comparison of Vented and Unvented 238pu Heat Sources
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 14 (2), 507,
Purdy DL, Magovern GJ, and Smyth NP
A New Radioisotope-Powered Cardiac Pacer.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1975 Jan;69(1):82-91.
Purdy DL
Nuclear Batteries for Implantable Applications.
Batteries for Implantable Biomed Devices, 1986, P 285-352
Pustovalov AA, Shapovalov VP, Bovin AV, and Fedorets VIS
Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators for Implanted
Soviet Atomic Energy (English Translation of Atomnaya
Energiya), V 60, N 2, Feb, 1986, P 155-161
Rasor NS, Spickler JW, and Clabaugh TL
Comparison of Power Sources for Advanced Pacemaker
Source unknown, pp 752-760
Recchia AL and Kolenik SA
Nuclear Powered Heart Pacemakers: A Biomedical Application
of Rare Earths.
Nuclear Engineering International, 1973, P 637-646
Renner Th, Rittmayer G, Falkenberg D, Grubmueller G, and
Waligora D
Eine Thermoelektrische Isotopenbatterie Fuer Die
Energieversorgung Von Herzschrittmachern. [Isotopic Thermoelectric Battery for the Energy Supply of Heart
Siemens Forschungs- Und Entwicklungsberichte/Siemens
Research and Development Reports, V 1, N 4, 1972, P 355-361 Language:
Renner Th
Thermoelectric Conversion Systems for Nuclear-Powered
Advances in Pacemaker Technology, M. Shaldach and S. Furman
Ed. Springer-Verlag, 1975, 435.
Proceedings of Int. Symp. on Advances in Pacemaker
Technology, Erlangen,
Reidmeister JCHR, Schulte HD, and Bircks W
Clinical Experience with Nuclear-Powered Pacemakers
Advances in Pacemaker Technology, M. Shaldach and S. Furman
Ed. Springer-Verlag, 1975, 485.
Proceedings of Int. Symp. on Advances in Pacemaker
Technology, Erlangen,
Rosenkranz KA and Schaldach M
[The Use of Nuclear-Energy Powered Pacemakers for Transvenous
Endocardial Stimulation (Author's Transl)]
Dtsch Med Wochenschr. 1973 Nov 23;98(47):2227-33.
Rosenkranz KA
Clinical Experience with Nuclear-Powered Pacemakers
Advances in Pacemaker Technology, M. Shaldach and S. Furman
Ed. Springer-Verlag, 1975, 503.
Proceedings of Int. Symp. on Advances in Pacemaker
Technology, Erlangen,
Roy, OZ and Wehnert, RW
Keeping Heart Alive with Biological Battery
Electronics, V 39, N 6, Mar 21, 1966, P 105-107
Rudnicki MI, Chesworth RH, and Harmison LT
Design of A 238pu-Powered Implantable Thermal Engine for Heart
Assist Devices
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 13 (2): 503,
Sandberg GW Jr, Molokhia FA, Huffman FN, Norman JC
Implantable Nuclear Power Sources for Artificial Organs: Preliminary
Pathologic Effects. II
Surg Forum. 1970;21:198-200.
Sandberg GW, Huffman FN, Norman JC
Implantable Nuclear Power Sources for Artificial Organs .1.
Physiologic Effects
Transactions American Society for Artificial Internal Organs
16: 172-& 1970
Schafft, Harry A., Ed.
Semiconductor Measurement Technology: Reliability Technology
for Cardiac Pacemakers 2-A Workshop Report, 1976.
National Bureau of Standards, Special Publication, N 400-42,
1977, 45p
Schaldach M, Rosenkranz KA
A Nuclear Powered Pacemaker Fuelled By Pm147.
J Cardiovasc Surg (Torino).
1973;Spec No:133-9.
Schimmel RL
Industrial Status of 238pu Sources
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 14 (2), 507,
Schulz, WG
Chemical and Engineering News, V 81, N 36, Sep 8, 2003, P
Seeman SE, and Ambrose CJ
Design Criteria for Betavoltaic Nuclear Batteries
Advances in Pacemaker Technology, M. Shaldach and S. Furman
Ed. Springer-Verlag, 1975, 425.
Proceedings of Int. Symp. on Advances in Pacemaker
Technology, Erlangen,
Seipel L, Buchta I, Loogen F, Schulte HD, and Reidemeister JC
Nuclear Fueled Pacemaker - 2 To 4 Years Follow-Up
Cardiac Pacing - Proceedings of Vth Int. Symp., Tokyo,
March 1976, Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam,
1977, 278.
Smith TH, Greenborg J, and Matheson WE
Benefit/Risk Analysis of Cardiac Pacemakers Powered By
Betacel Promethium-147 Batteries.
Nuclear Technology, V 26, N 1, May, 1975, P 54-64
Smyth NPD,
Magovern GJ, Ramirez RG, et al.
Invivo Study of A New Radioisotope-Powered Cardiac Pacer
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 70 (1): 2-8
Smyth NPD, Magovern GJ, Cushing WJ, and Keshishian JM
Preliminary Experience with A New Radioisotopic Powered
Cardiac Pacemaker
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 71 (2):
262-267 1976
Smyth NPD, Magovern GJ, Cushing WJ, et al.
Preliminary Clinical Experience with A New
Radioisotope-Powered Cardiac-Pacemaker
Cardiac Pacing - Proceedings of Vth Int. Symp., Tokyo,
March 1976, Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam,
1977, 278.
Smyth NPD,
Keshishian JM, Garcia JM, et al.
Clinical-Experience with the Isotopic Cardiac-Pacemaker
Annals of Thoracic Surgery 28 (1): 14-21 1979
Smyth NPD, Millette ML
The Isotopic Cardiac Pacer - A 10-Year Experience
Pace-Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology 7 (1): 82-89 1984
Sowton E
Energy Sources for Pacemakers
Cardiac Pacing - Proceedings of Vth Int. Symp., Tokyo,
March 1976, Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam,
1977, 438.
Spickler JW, Rasor
NS, Kezdi P, Misra SN
Intracardiac Pacemaker
American Journal of Cardiology 26 (6): 661-& 1970
Spickler JW, Rasor
NS, Kezdi P, Misra SN,
Robins KE,
Leboeuf C.
Totally Self-Contained Intracardiac Pacemaker.
J Electrocardiol. 1970;3(3-4):325-31.
Stieve FE
Radiation Protection and Cardiac Pacemakers with Radionuclide
Strahlenschutz Forsch Prax. 1976;15:178-91. German.
Tomchishen S, Goldman B
Energy Sources for Implanted Pacemakers.
Can Nurse. 1974 Oct;70(10):27-30.
Turner SA, Igo SR, Mcgee MG, et al.
Longitudinal Analyses of Nuclear-Fuel Sources for Thermally-Actuated
Long-Term Lvads in the Primate - A 10-Year Study
Transactions American Society for Artificial Internal Organs
27: 142-146 1981
Tyers GFO, Brownlee RR
Current Status of Pacemaker Power Sources
Annals of Thoracic Surgery 25 (6): 571-587 1978
Wheelwright EJ and Fuqua PA
Promethium and Plutonium As Fuels for Pacemaker Power
Advances in Pacemaker Technology, M. Shaldach and S. Furman
Ed. Springer-Verlag, 1975, 383.
Proceedings of Int. Symp. on Advances in Pacemaker
Technology, Erlangen,
Plutonium for Pacemakers.
Br Med J. 1969 Nov 22;4(681):447.