The Relationship Between Depth Profiles of Nitrogen Concentration, Hardness, and Wear Rate in Ion-Implanted Ti-6Al-4V
James P. Blanchard, An Chen, and Bogin Qiu
University of Wisconsin - Madison
1500 Johnson Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
The property changes induced by nitrogen ion implantation of Ti-6Al-4V alloys are considered, with emphasis on the effects of the nitrogen concentration profiles on hardness and wear rate. The comparison of the measured hardness profile to the profile from a finite element simulation reinforces the assumption that nitride formation, rather than damage, is the primary hardening mechanism. In addition, these techniques allow determination of the increase in the yield stress caused by the ion implantation. In this case, a ten-fold increase in the yield stress is found. Wear rate profiles are compared to the nitrogen concentration profile and are found to be low at depths greater than the nitrogen profile depth. This is assumed to occur because of the geometry of the wear test device.